Friday, February 8, 2019

Microaggressions by Michael Kelly

They're usually small and add up over time.

- Microaggression is bullying 

It's not only about what we do; it's sometimes what we don't do.

Related to unconscious bias

What is a Manager to do?
- Make data available to build empathy.  Look at global (outside your company) as well as local (inside your company) data.
- Number are not what you should lead with in the moment 
- Deliberately build relatedness 
- Real team building; not just drinking and going bowling 
- Different Training for different people: How to respond, how to reduce 
- Listening exercises: Listen and speak back what you heard

Use tools to measure psychological safety 

Consider intersectionality

How to understand the intent?

- When does the behavior become a pattern?  How often?

"The four agreements"

1. Don't make assumptions 

2. Don't be concerned with how you're interpreted 

3. Be impeccable with your words 

4. Always do your best

You have to have the safety to be courageous enough to give feedback 

- Timely, peer-to-Peter feedback can be very feedback 

- It can help to practice with someone else

- It takes Training and practice to learn how to give (and receive) feedback 

"Walk in curiosity"
- Silence in the moment is agreement 
- Say "ouch" in the moment and say "oops" to acknowledge it
- It also takes courage to apologize in the moment when you've realized that you've made a mistake 

Being an ally doesn't mean being a savior 
- Perhaps we need "accomplices" and not just "allies".  The actions of bystanders may be more powerful than the people involved.

Sharing appreciations builds safety and trust 
- Knowing someone and being gracious 

How do we have the conversation that moves us towards action and change?
- It's never too late to statt the conversation 
- Empathize first

There's an art to all of this
- Better to ask permission before acting ("Is it okay if I touch your shoulder?)
- Cultural Norms change (look up the origin of the phrase "the rule of thumb")
- Acknowledge cultural appropriation 

David Whitlock
Adjunct Lecturer
Portland State University


  1. Oops. I probably should have titled this post “Microaggressions” WITH Michael Kelly. Sorry about that.

  2. Then we all would've learned how to be microaggressors. You may not be able to fix this David....
    but we try our best :-)
